Wednesday, March 05, 2008


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Thanks to the bastard legislation–known as the Patriot Act–our government is now worse of a threat to our own civil liberties than any terrorist we are supposed to fear like a scared little mouse.

The Bush administration contends that it has the right to spy on us without any legality in place, no checks or balances, no nothing that demands any oversight. (Kinda like the failed war in Iraq right now. Paul Bremer ring a bell?)

Because if they don’t–as Bush claims–Al-Qaeda will rain down hellfire and brimstone down on us.

Well, since the provisions of the Protect America Act had expired 2 weeks ago…nothing has happened.

No attack by Al-Qaeda. No nothing.

Curiously enough, Bush is silent on the matter. Where is his bravado now? Where is his righteousness that spells out all the doom and gloom–if he doesn’t get to spy on us right this very moment?

Funny thing about law: Once it is in place, even an “above the law” President is contend to follow it–even if he doesn’t like it!

So maybe there are some checks and balances left in place–which haven’t been trampled yet by the Bush administration.

But tell that to the FBI.

Turns out they are worse gross violators of the law than the President is. Under secrecy and covert operations, this little outfit has now replaced the “Dirty Harry” of the mob and done away with being an organization which once prided itself with being thorough and fearless.

Through national security letters, it has gone after just about anyone it sees fit–even if they are innocent.

E-mail? Regular mail? Bank records? Everything and anything is fair game to them. It doesn’t matter if you are suspected of being affiliated with Al-Qaeda or not.

The FBI has your number. Quite literally.

Director Robert Mueller says that they’ve done nothing improper and that everything is within the law.


And this is the reason why the agency violated the law between 2003 and 2006–misusing the national security letter protocols on such levels that it is beyond baffling?

Sure, it’s so easy to blame human error when overzealousness is clearly involved.

In this case–not seen since the McCarthy era–both our own government and the FBI is now treating everyone from every walk of life as the enemy and a distinct threat to the nation as a whole.

Which is why they have been so adamant that we allow them to ignore the laws set forth by past administrations, the canon principles set forth by our own Constitution, and the overall definition of what a democracy should act and function like in the real world.

They need to act above common decency and right–in order to protect us from our own worse fears.

And that…makes them a much bigger threat than any terrorist on the planet.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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