Saturday, December 15, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Remember the golden years of the CIA? Where the agency was so much better respected and its people admired for protecting America and its interests at home and abroad?

Remember those days?

Well, those days are–sadly–over.

In light of the interrogation tape scandal where the CIA went against orders and destroyed them in 2005, the agency and the people within the Justice Department have shown a strong perchance for injustice.

And torture.

Naturally, the proclivity of the secret spy institution was immortalized in many spy movies as having a ‘tough guy’ image whom could accomplish anything–even if it meant bending the rules a bit to succeed in the given mission; the one thing that set the spy agency apart from the bad guys was that in the end…?

They didn’t stoop down to their level.

But now…? They have.

And no one is batting an eye at that.

The destruction of the spy tapes wasn’t done intentionally to protect the interrogators and their families.

No. That would be too easy a way out.

No, this was done to avoid another embarrassing repeat of Abu Ghraib–where some members of the US military abused and tortured Iraqi prisoners for months on end; before someone on the inside blew the whistle.

The CIA and the Justice Department have been engaged in an age-old game of “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

This time, the Justice Department has been running interference for the CIA to cover its tracks in the destruction of the interrogation tapes.

Tapes which have shown interrogators torturing terror suspects in order to extract information from.

But the CIA doesn’t want this information to come leaking out. And neither does the Justice Department.

In all fairness, this behavior didn’t just start recently. This could easily be traced all the way to the top of the Executive Branch; where we have an imperial President whom believes that he is outside the law.

And as such, this model behavior has reinforced the idea that everyone within the government can also act in part–thus providing the American people a clear and present example of just how lawless their seat of representation has become.

Including the Senate GOP–whom have rejected a recent bill to outlaw harsh interrogation techniques such as water boarding; citing that it will tie our hands in the interrogation of terror suspects.

It just goes to show just how injustice has managed to prevail unchecked all these years since 2001.

The year our government and its agencies declared itself to be beyond morals, rights, and justice.

This latest example just reinforces the notion that such bad behavior within is widely acceptable–while the truth is not.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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