Sunday, January 13, 2008


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Though he’s trying to come off sounding and looking like a state-officiate of democracy and freedom, the sad truth is, none of the authoritarian ruling families controlling the Middle Eastern bloc are all that interested in spreading democracy, freedom, or rights for all its ruling class citizens.

But let’s not confuse political fantasy and hubris with reality here.

George Bush was never the type of man whom could link freedom with democracy if it bit him in the ass.

He is more of a showman with hat rather than all talk then action.

For Bush, an opportunity for a photo-op is more plausible than actually having to do the hard work himself. (Explains why he doles out the real job tasks at hand to unqualified cronies.)

This way, he can get off the blame train by saying that at least he tried, but points out that isn’t his fault that nothing fruitful came of his visits.

The sadder part to this whole Presidency is the fact that our own President of the United States never believed in real diplomacy–let alone real democracy.

A product of the Cold War, people like Bush always favored heavy-handed actions and strong, tough talk. People of this constituency rarely relied on real diplomatic overtures and ideals of freedom.

For them, they see enemies whether they exist or not. For them, there is no middle ground. No alternative path to take–in case things get bad.

And for the last 8 years, things have gotten bad for us.

Only because our Commander-in-Chief had completely abandoned the fine arts of diplomacy and democracy; in favor of fear and blind rhetoric.

The result?

We now see the results of an insulated administration trying to get back in touch with the real world.

And quite frankly? It’s quite embarrassing to watch a once powerful man stumble his through the routines of reaching out and claiming to be a champion of freedom and justice.

I know it. Our international allies know it.

But Bush?

I highly doubt that he even knows it.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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