Sunday, January 27, 2008


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

The recession is here and still the Republican candidates have no clue as to how to deal with it.

How can they? Terrorism and war is the only two things they know now.

Have a family of four approach John Boy and Ghouliani and their response would be: “Huh?”--when asked what they would do about their stagnant wages, rising healthcare costs, and job security.

See, the problem started back when Reagan was President. He was a pure capitalist by heart. He believed that being rich gave you huge entitlements that weren’t yours. (Namely tax cuts.)

Hey, you're rich and need money, right?

So Ronnie began a destructive process which deprived trillions of dollars of needed monies to go towards working families and the middle-class–and started handing out “grab bags” to the rich and wealthy.

Money that they didn’t need, but it was good politics, right? Deprive people of funds needed for education, job training, and assistance programs?

And so it began, a long and hard road for the many millions of American families, singles, and of course, the disabled and the elderly–primarily because good ol’ Ronnie Reagan believed that “trickle-down economics” would benefit from giving money to the rich and that would translate to strong job growth and increased wages.

Sadly, the Gipper had his signals crossed. The man was blinded by ideals that made absolutely no sense to the average tax-paying American.

As a result, Big Business capitalized on Reagan’s generosity and started a process which has now cheated people of a living wage, quality healthcare benefits, and job security 25 years later.

Bush I was no better. Clinton tried to level the playing field for at least 8 years during the Roaring 90s, but Bush II thought that the rich and wealthy had suffered long enough at the hand’s of Bill’s prosperity–and made the working American pay for it by denying him and her an increase in minimum-wage for 10 years, access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs, and education needed for higher-paying jobs.

Not to mention adequate job security.

But it didn’t stop there. The Decider encouraged Big Business to take their business elsewhere by offering such generous tax exemptions and breaks in exchange for shipping the bulk of America’s manufacturing complex overseas; and replacing it with low-paying wage jobs here at home.

As a result, personal debt exploded seemingly overnight as the average American family had to face the struggle of making ends meet with what little was being offered to them.

And let’s not forget that Bush’s son also gave away tax breaks to the wealthy, the rich, and Big Business–just like Reagan did–expecting the same kind of windfall to be seen.

But it never materialized.

As a result, America’s social and domestic infrastructure has been left in ruins because of the Republican's inept economic policies.

And that’s why–when you ask any of the current GOP candidates what they plan on doing with the economy and the recession now–all you get is a few mumbled words and a blank stare.

Because they have no clue!

The GOP never had any experience in dealing with Lower Class America. All they’ve been doing since Reagan took office has been catering to the wealthy and the powerful.

That’s all they know. All they ever will know.

As a result, people like you and me will only continue to suffer at their gross incompetence.

But it's no big deal. After all, who is better to take care of us than the Republican Party, right?

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Friday, January 18, 2008


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Just occured to me last night--as I was going to bed--that this economic package that Bush proposed lacks any real substance or teeth to be of any real help to the sagging economy.

Pay close attention to his words: "This is designed to help big business stay afloat, and whatever's left--we'll give to the middle-class and working poor."

Think that $1600 is going to you because you're married, have a job, and two kids? Think again.

In 2001, I was promised $300 for a single person, $600 for someone who is married.

I got $75!


I can certainly go to town on this amount! I was completely fucked by my own government! Ass fucked so severely, my butt's permantly puckered here!

Surprised? Actually, no. The reason why I got that amount (and not the $300 I was promised), was because I was working minimum-wage. I could only qualify for the $300 if I was making (minimum), $20,000 or more. $600 if I was making $40,000. (Families making this amount got double or even triple the amount.)

So $75 was my damned consulation prize.

And this is the reason why I curse my fucking government for being such stingy bastards.

Everyone talks big and all, but who gets reamed in the ass like a corner-plodding whore?

It's people like me whom make less than $15,000 a year on minimum-wage. (Back in 2001, I was only making $11,000.)

That's who!

No one ever talks about us. We just focus on the high-rollers whom make $20K or more. (Like good little sheeple.)

And that's why these stimulus packages are such a joke and waste of tax-payer's monies.

They aren't designed to help those who truly need it. They just package it in such a way that gives the *illusion* that we are helping you out.

We're not.

We're just adding to the deficit (to the tune of $150B), and the working poor and some lower-class Americans get the royal shaft once again.

But don't think for a second that this stimulus package is going to be of any use to the economy.

While two-thirds of all Americans spent their tax rebate in the first six months of 2001, the rest saved their money.

And did it jumpstart the economy? It did somewhat, but the problems plaguing us from the 2001 recession never really left us. Our job creation numbers have sucked for the longest 8 years imaginable.

Our debt has grown so bad, many certified public accountants are having nightmares and needing therapy.

All it did was give more money to the rich and everyone else was left hanging high and dry.

This time, the problem is worse. High energy, high food prices, inflation which hasn't been seen in awhile, credit card debt skyhigh, and a housing meltdown that makes global warming look like your average July summer bake sale in the South.

And let's not forget $3 gas--which wasn't the case back in 2001.

Still think that your rebate check is going to save the economy when you're faced with these problems?

Bush seems to think so. But Bush has always been locked away in his own little fantasy world.

Funny thing is, so are the Democrats we helped put back into power.

It would be ironic if it wasn't such a sad thing to witness first hand.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Sunday, January 13, 2008


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Though he’s trying to come off sounding and looking like a state-officiate of democracy and freedom, the sad truth is, none of the authoritarian ruling families controlling the Middle Eastern bloc are all that interested in spreading democracy, freedom, or rights for all its ruling class citizens.

But let’s not confuse political fantasy and hubris with reality here.

George Bush was never the type of man whom could link freedom with democracy if it bit him in the ass.

He is more of a showman with hat rather than all talk then action.

For Bush, an opportunity for a photo-op is more plausible than actually having to do the hard work himself. (Explains why he doles out the real job tasks at hand to unqualified cronies.)

This way, he can get off the blame train by saying that at least he tried, but points out that isn’t his fault that nothing fruitful came of his visits.

The sadder part to this whole Presidency is the fact that our own President of the United States never believed in real diplomacy–let alone real democracy.

A product of the Cold War, people like Bush always favored heavy-handed actions and strong, tough talk. People of this constituency rarely relied on real diplomatic overtures and ideals of freedom.

For them, they see enemies whether they exist or not. For them, there is no middle ground. No alternative path to take–in case things get bad.

And for the last 8 years, things have gotten bad for us.

Only because our Commander-in-Chief had completely abandoned the fine arts of diplomacy and democracy; in favor of fear and blind rhetoric.

The result?

We now see the results of an insulated administration trying to get back in touch with the real world.

And quite frankly? It’s quite embarrassing to watch a once powerful man stumble his through the routines of reaching out and claiming to be a champion of freedom and justice.

I know it. Our international allies know it.

But Bush?

I highly doubt that he even knows it.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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