Monday, November 26, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Don’t be surprised if you haven’t gotten any answers from your local or state representatives.

Haven’t gotten anything done which has currently impacted your life.

There hasn’t been anything good which has come out of this government of ours–for a very long time.

Either at the state level or the federal level. Everybody in play appears to have forgotten the people whom voted them in for an X-amount of years now.

We sit here and complain, we sit here and write e-mails, we sit here and phone those whom currently are supposed to represent us.

But sadly, the pattern of neglect and negligence is here to stay.

Nobody in the local government seems to give a damn about those whom are suffering the most. The same could be said of the federal apparat.

Nowadays, it’s nothing more than pandering and counter-pandering. To find out who is more tougher on crime, who is more tougher on terrorism, who is more able to protect the country and ensure that we still have a nation to secure for future generations. (And illegal immigration. Let’s not forget that–shall we?)

But no one running for office or is in office (both at the state and the federal level) seems to care about the people themselves.

No one is really addressing the needs of the populace. From basic healthcare to affordable housing. From an increased allocation in food stamps for those whom need it the most, to job training and job security.

None of these domestic issues have been properly and swiftly dealt with and addressed.

Why not?

Because right now, everyone who is running each state and the US government is fighting amongst themselves in trying to outdo the other.

Sure, they touch base on some of the bread and butter issues that concern Americans like me the most, but in the general plight of things?

It’s in their best interest to forget about them.

After all, 47M Americans in this country have been living without basic healthcare services for quite some time.

10M uninsured children don’t have rudimentary healthcare provisions, thanks in part to Bush‘s recent veto.

37M Americans still live in poverty–with many millions more just a paycheck away from being homeless (or worse) themselves.

But try to get your local, state, or government representative to openly address these issues which hit home on so many fronts.


You’ll find yourself being quickly laughed at and the door shut in your face.

Because these politicians don’t care about you or me.

This is a political game of power, control, and greed now.

With most of America all but forgotten in the process.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Sunday, November 18, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

We all know it’s coming.

A dreaded recession.

Oil is up.

Gas is up.

The dollar is weak.

Gold prices are past $800 an ounce.

Inflation is climbing.

I’m paying $4.19 a loaf for the good stuff. Not to mention $10 for baby loaves of cheese (a piece), along with pricy eggs, butter, and milk.

Heating our homes is going to be costly this winter.

And the cost of living is out of control.

Bottom line: Our nation simply cannot continue on the same path that it has been–spending itself into debt so recklessly.

But despite the warning signs, people like Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke still believe that everything will be peachy and we all just gotta keep believing in the mythical Tooth Fairy.

“Low interest rates are going to keep our economy going!”

“The dollar is weak!” they tell us, “but it will rebound! You just gotta have faith!”


Faith isn’t watching our government train wreck our economy by spending out of control to the tune of $9.3T dollars. Faith isn’t watching the Fed play Russian roulette with interest rates–dropping them during this housing and credit crunch; instead of tightening and raising rates to keep oil prices from spiraling upwards and keeping a strong check on the falling dollar.

Faith is asking the US consumer to open their collective eyes and see how much damage that our government’s reckless economic policies are doing to us–the American citizen.

That’s the open reality here. Not these fantasy comments on how the economy is going to continue to weather this and that–when the reality on the ground says much differently.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Saturday, November 10, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Forget Iran.

Let’s worry about a nuclear-armed Pakistan.


A nuclear-armed Pakistan.

This isn’t just some fantasy spiel concocted by the Bush administration over the case of phantom weapons of mass destruction with Iraq–or the possibility that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.


This is reality.

The US’s worse nightmare imaginable.

For years now, we’ve heard the Bush and neocon cabal tell us that their worse Cold War fears is that terrorists somehow get a hold of some nukes and detonate them abroad or on US soil.

The perfect harbinger to and end to our democracy.

They’ve been telling us that we should be vigilant and fear everyone around us whom is not an American citizen. (a.k.a: Muslims)

They’ve told us that if we didn’t rat out those whom we saw as a threat–we would only play into the terrorists’ hands.

Oddly enough, Pervez Musharraf’s recent actions in Pakistan seems to have born out some of those fears.

But let’s not get a hold of ourselves here and start preaching doom and gloom just yet.

After all, we supported this latest military strongman (for democracy’s sake–naturally), and we’ll go on supporting him until it’s convenient for us to either cut ties with that country and our former ally–or invade.

We did it with Iraq. So why not Pakistan?

Of course, with Musharaff cracking down on dissenters, the media, and the opposition–he’s making the terrorists’ job of obtaining nuclear matériel that much easier.

And given the fact that we practically gave Pakistan the weapons technology and material to make nukes–that Cold War fantasy of terrorists getting their hands on them…

Makes it all the more real.

And to think…we have Bush to thank for that?

Who would’ve thought: A US President supposedly upholding freedom and democracy–by giving the terrorists just what they could’ve wanted and more...?

Only because our esteemed President (George W. Bush) thought it would be swell!–to park some nuclear weapons in the middle of a predominantly Muslim country?

I guess it is really true what they say about people and their ambitions these days: You really don’t need a brain to become President of the United States of America!

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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