Tuesday, July 17, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Remember the pizza guy being accused of wanting to massacre hundreds of Fort Dix soldiers--simply by driving his beatup Honda through the gates of one most heavily secured bases in America--using only an Uzi?

Remember those six alleged terror suspects from the Carribean nation of Guyana who--by the testimony of a drug runner--allegedly wanted to blow up one of the nation's most secure and impossible to wreck jet fuel pipelines connected to JFK?


It seems as though the Bush adminstration is locking itself into high gear in "preparation" for yet another spectacular (but highly improbable--not to mention transparent)...

"Terror attack"!

Recall, Jerkoff's...'gut feeling'. Recall how the government is now worried about Al-Qaeda staging some "spectacular" attacks on US soil by the end of this summer--or in the next few years.

And today's report showing that the government now confirms what the majority of Americans had figured out years in advance--after the invasion of Iraq: That Al-Qaeda is going to use Iraq as a 'springboard' for future attacks on US soil.

Oddly enough, there is no 'credible' intelligence to support the claim that Al-Qaeda is gearing up for any kind of attack now or in the near future on the US itself.

So why the fear and worry now by government officials?

Because it so happens that a lot of things are going wrong for this adminstration--from the failed troop surge to the GOP revolt over their support of the war--and Bush and the GOP both desperately need something from which to rescue their bacon from a complete obliteration in the upcoming elections by the people in 2008.

But pay attention to the language of both Jerkoff and other administration officials: THEY 'EXPECT' A TERROR ATTACK TO TAKE PLACE BEFORE THE END OF THIS SUMMER.

And we all know that summer doesn't officially end until September 21st.

And what's in September?

2 things:

1) General Panseywaist's report to the Congress on the ineffectiveness of the 'troop surge' on September 15th.


2) The 6th year anniversary of 9-11.

What better way to stage another terror attack (false of course) to remind the people that we are still at war with an enemy who seeks to destroy us from within?

But oddly enough, these last 2 attacks (which I mentioned at the beginning) somehow (and mysteriously) got past all the tight securities implemented upon the 9-11 Commission's sterling recommendations--and somehow were "stopped" before they could be carried out.

Why not allow them to go through the motions?

Well, for one thing, it would be impossible. None of these suspects had the operational knowledge to even carry such an attack out in the first place. And two, none of these suspects were ever terrorists at all. Just unwitting victims in a governnment scheme to scare the people into line.

Third, the targets they chose were something of a fool's dream. Realistically, they could never be pulled off unless everyone was in a state of complete stupor--and the government was just happening to look the other way when it was taking place.


These attacks were drummed up by the most inner circles of our own government and unleashed in such a way--that it would make it look like these were real.

Except a couple of things went awry:

1) Has anyone ever heard of a Domino's pizza guy trying to penetrate a high-security military installation with only limited knowledge and an Uzi? And just what was his reasons for doing such a move in the first place? Was his life that bad that he wanted to commit suicide the stupid way?

2) JFK's jetliner fuel lines are impossible to blow up from the outside or the inside--according to pipeline experts. So why would the government rely on the word of a known drug trafficker--as being completely 'honest' and 'factual'?

And Guyana? What does this nation stand to benefit from such an attack anyways? And when did it escape the government's radar list of countries which are state-sponsored terror nations?

So in the end, our government is already telling us now, to prepare ourselves for another faked terror plot.

Not a realistic one, but one that has all the hallmarks of being on the list of: "Non-Existent Terror Attacks".

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at yahoo.com

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