Thursday, April 26, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Let’s see…

Whose war is this again?

Who sent us off to war on false pretense?

And who gave the President everything he wanted with zero debate and accountability?

That’s right: The Republicans.

And now they’re complaining that Democrats are playing politics and should get down to the business of giving the President another blank check and stop disparaging the troops with political grandstanding.

In other words, the GOP wants the Democrats to be just like them–and continue on the same course in Iraq which has caused the same destruction and chaos already predicted would happen by John McCain and so many other Republican congressmen.

But let’s not attack them for what they did was wrong in the first place. Let’s just focus the spotlight a little on what they don’t have:


With the binding withdrawal date, it is putting Bush on notice that both the Democrats and the people of the United States don’t have the patience for an open-ended conflict that is producing the exact opposite in terms of results.

But the Republicans are crying foul–much like the Democrats and the people cried foul over so many other spending measures passed by the Republican-dominated Congress over the last six years–over this because they don't like having to be put on record and having to defend themselves, admit to their failures, or even the fact that they were so wrong on many fronts.

So right now, all they can do is attack the Democrats and anyone else for their stances in this war–by claiming that neither is supporting them or the troops in general.

But by calling for accountability and a withdrawal date, the Democrats are supporting the troops. They are saying: “Look, we support you. We just don’t think you shouldn’t be involved in an open-ended conflict.”

Something that the Republicans and Bush want–because they have nothing else in terms of soluable war strategies to go on these days.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at:


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