Thursday, June 28, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

We’ve seen it many times over the past six years since Bush entered office: Congress demanding that the White House and other elements of our own government turn over material which is instrumental in one common aspect of our democracy: Checks and balances.

And the White House and those various elements are saying: “We have executive privilege, and that supersedes law and the Constitution.”


Nixon tried the same thing in the 70s–in face of Watergate. It took the ruling of the Supreme Court to say that no sitting President was above the law, and Congress had every constitutional right to have access to the Watergate files.

But Bush is counting on this. In his defense, he’s stacked court justices that would see him as having no fault of his own–and thus would be able to get away with not turning over documents vital to Congress’s ongoing investigations on a number of fronts.

However, the idea behind not implicating a sitting President (especially a Republican one), is disastrous for the party whom put them there.

Hence the stonewalling and excuses by government officials.

The sad truth is, is that it took an act of the people to change course with both Congress and the government.

But Bush and those under him still believe that they have unchecked powers, unchecked flexibility in their roles as representatives of these United States.

Which is why they have been fighting as long as they have.

Once a group has unlimited power, it becomes very difficult to restrain them, or at the very least–reign them in.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

If you were waiting for the other shoe to drop on this troop surge in Iraq–than it already had.

Months ago.

Did Bush actually believe that adding another 30,000 tired and worn out troops to the mix was going to make any difference in Iraq–especially in the long run?

4 months ago, Bush said that the goals of the surge was to tamp down the violence in Baghdad and give the severely weakened Malaki government “breathing room”.

But four months into the operation–now at full strength–has proven that nothing has really changed as a whole.

Violence still is at an all-time high, attacks are constant, Baghdad is still under siege, and all Bush can do and say is: “We won’t know for several more months–if the troop surge will work or not.”

But why wait four more months, when we can already see the end results of this failed gamble?

Nothing has changed. The capital is still besieged, the insurgents are still running amok all over the place, and Malaki can’t figure out how to best approach this problem–when the people he was sworn into a couple years ago–has lost all confidence in his ability to unite the country?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out the logic of the Bush administration in this mess. The latest signs point to a complete failure of this troop surge, but we’re being told to wait several more months.

Or another year. Whichever comes first. But whether or not the time comes for the truth to come out, the reality of this troop surge has become clear to me:

It never worked.

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at: starchildalpha1 at

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

Here we go again: Another “alleged” attack involving foreigners with little ties to terrorism, having no operational plan, or even had the chance to obtain any explosives long before the so-called plan ever went into effect.

Never mind the fact that this plan was far from being realized means little to our government hacks.

They are too busy enjoying the hype, dancing around the bonfire and postulating on what could have been, had all these plots supposedly disrupted–been carried out. (From the JFK to the Sears Tower plot.) But sadly, all the US government is doing, is undermining its own credibility in the process.

How many times have they cried Wolf already? And how many people in this country believe anything they say these days?

Don't be surprised if anyone but their supporters do.

In light of 9-11, there hadn’t been a major terror attack on US soil. But curiously enough, fake plots, fake terror alerts started to bloom in 2002, 2003, and 2004–especially around the mid-term elections, or the Presidential ones.

But they weren't based on realiable intelligence. Or from spies abroad.

No. All of these alerts came from our own government. Deep within their own security and defense circles--it seems.

In 2005, we only had 2 such alerts, last year, we had three, and this year, we’ve had 2–those involving the JFK and Fort Dix plots. Why the sudden drop off in alerts?

It might be because the government needs time to come up with something more plausible to sell to the public--to see just how many will buy into their next "staged" plot.

But while the government is claiming success in stopping these faked plots, oddly enough--nothing ever becomes of the men implicated, or the evidence supposedly obtained because of the plots.

Why? Because these people are nothing but convenient scapegoats for the government. Tools to be used at their discretion, and then thrown away when they are no longer useful.

In fact, most of the "plots" stopped in the past–as Bush claims to have done since 2003–have quietly unraveled in the background: The suspects involved not even charged with anything less than common immigration violations, and the charges of terrorism dropped–only because the government itself had little to go on; from the original (and fantastic) charge of terrorism against the country itself.

But what’s even more bothersome, is the fact that most of these suspects aren’t even Muslim in nature. Those dirty "evil" terrorists we call come to loathe and hate. (Right?)

No, these people are representatives of other ethnic groups. They have little or no ties to terrorism, and the information acquired through covert means on these "plots" is highly suspect and dubious at best.

But don’t think it ends there. Even in light of fake plots, our own government is quite capable of manufacturing a real terror plot in itself, and inflicting it upon its own citizens–just to milk more money out of Congress for defense spending and other pet projects.

Something similar was tried in the 60s--to turn the people into a support block for a failed attempt by the CIA to go to war with Cuba.

The operation went nowhere and was eventually covered up:

Now, many suspect that 9-11 was an inside job. And maybe it was–given how lax the government was in the months leading up to 9-11. But we won’t know until years later–at any rate.

But the fact remains: None of these plots disrupted so conveniently by our government have anything to do with the war on terror.


1) Because our government hasn’t been able to successfully uncover any real terror plots since 9-11, and 2) It desperately needs to keep the people in line and in fear of the next “real” attack. So that in case one does happen again, it can go on saying that it did all it could, but it let one slip through. (Conveniently, of course.)

It's all part of the cycle of terror--perpetrated by our own government. Freely (I might add)--all in the name of democracy.

If you need any more convincing, type the words, fake terror attacks into your search bar, and you’ll get a whole list of what our government is actually trying to achieve through subversive blackmail.

All in the name of fear, control, and now... ?


Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at:

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