Thursday, February 08, 2007


By Schuyler Thorpe
Author and Political Activist

If you were expecting Congress to find the government at fault for lying to the American public over Iraq–through its investigations of the pre-war intelligence–expect to be disappointed.

Through whatever caveat implied, the Bush administration has managed to hide the truth so well from the public, that its buried whatever evidence Congress may have been able to find–through a meticulously orchestrated series of steps which allowed the government to escape the hangman’s noose untouched.


By investigating itself. By not allowing an independent group of investigative hacks to dig up the dirt on this administration’s blatant lies and distortions.

In effect, the criminal was allowed to go back to the crime scene after the murder and conduct his or her own investigation without a second set of eyes.

Take in retrospect, the Pentagon’s recent investigation of pre-war intel which took in Saddam’s WMD stockpile allegations and connections to Al-Qaeda.

While inappropriate, it wasn’t illegal. (Nothing really is with the Bush administration.)

So in effect, the Bush administration has taken lying to be the new standard of truth.

No intentional misleading, no intentional fabrication. Just a fine line of exaggeration which just so happens to not fit the facts.

So in essence, Bush lied to the American public through a series of inappropriate exaggerations of our own intelligence estimates–on Saddam’s WMD capabilities and his connections to terror groups like Al-Qaeda.

Would it not be so tragic, this whole affair would almost be a Shakespearean play of comical proportions–where Shakespeare himself holds up the skull of his best friend and declares: “O’ Horatio…I knew him well.”

Think of how many skulls of the dead Bush would be holding–if he were William Shakespeare?

Schuyler Thorpe is an author, a political activist, and a frequent letter writer to The Everett Herald of Snohomish County. He can be reached at:


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